Name: Sarah McDonald
Location: Orange County, California (by way of Nebraska then Illinois)
Specialties: Website design, graphic design, email newsletters, marketing, book making
Availability: Open to new freelance clients
Resume: Click Here
Just a Nebraska girl in a California world…
Growing up in the Midwest taught me to work hard, be nice to people and that being genuine is a trait to be admired. I said goodbye to the familiar when I graduated high school and headed for Peoria, Illinois. At Bradley University, I earned a degree in graphic design, but my love of everything creative isn’t contained in just the design world. While gaining a solid foundation of design principles in school, I was also able to experiment in the world of book arts and letterpress.
This love of the handmade fueled my search for a job after graduation. It was Twitter that brought me an opportunity to work for a graphic design boutique (Wiley Valentine) in Southern California. What was planned to be a six-week internship quickly turned into five months and then almost four years, ending as a Senior Designer position. I gained invaluable knowledge of a working design studio, client relations, and design experience.
With this experience, I’ve now headed out on my own for a freelance career where I get to play with the boundaries of what I know. I love people: the unique stories they have, the businesses they pour themselves into, the way they teach me so much. What better way to use my gifts than working with a variety of clients to achieve their business goals?
The snapshot of my story above is a small glimpse of the work God has been up to. He took control of my life when I gave it to him in 2011 and it’s been a wild, amazing ride since. His faithfulness continues to teach me courage, patience and how to love others well. I’m looking forward to seeing what He has in store next! … Jesus is my big adventure

Andrea Patricia Photography